My Biggest Pet Peeve

Okay so lets define what a pet peeve is

pet peeve: noun informal: something that a particular person finds especially annoying.

I am not sure how I am going to be able to pick ONE. So here are 10!!!

  1. Smacking. Whether you are chewing food or smacking your gum… it is annoying… STOP.
  2. Posting something controversial on Facebook and expecting no one to have a difference of opinion.
  3. Getting mad at someone for commenting on your PUBLIC facebook post that they disagree with you. Namely People Who Won’t Respect You Opinion Just Because It Doesn’t Match Theirs!
  4. RUDE  and ungrateful people.. Today’s society is FULL of them. I literally want to go off on them. Wooosah.
  5. GROUP TEXT MESSAGES!!!!! Oh my gracious… I have been subject to the most annoying group text messages and a couple I should not have even been party to.
  6. Calling when you could have simply just sent me a text message. I have 3 kids, I don’t have time to have a phone conversation all the time.
  7. Tv Commercials Being Twice As Loud As the Accual Tv Show and spending more time watching commercials than the actual TV show.
  8. People who try to make conversation when you are reading
  9. Talking while I am listening to my headphones… especially working out. Don’t talk… WORK.
  10. People who act like they know, just because they heard someone else say it. Look, you weren’t there.

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