If I Could Go Back!

I am sitting here and I am actually supposed to be working on a discussion board for my Christian Counseling class I can not help but to think about all of the time I have spent away from God. In my Facebook memories one popped up. 6 years ago I put my husband on a plane to go BACK to Afghanistan after I had him home for 2 weeks. What a crazy time in my life. I look back at that year and I think to myself at a time I could have been burrowed in the safety net and love of my Lord and Savior, He was the last thing on my mind. I didn’t seek him. After a series of events and a time in my life I struggled with a serious depression it was then on a whim I made a decision that completely changed the direction of my life, my husbands life and my children’s lives.

God had allowed me to get to one of the lowest points I have ever experienced in my life to show me where I need to look. When you are on flat ground you face forward or behind you and even all around but it is when you are distracted looking everywhere else except where God wants you to look you fall into a deep hole. It is in that deep hole that you can no longer see in front of you, behind you or all around you, the only direction you have to look… is… well.. UP. And guess where He is! Waiting, patiently, and smiling.

I was in that hole, I was looking up and I saw His face. No, not my husbands but my Saviors. It was a slow process because the hole I was in was quite large, but God didn’t reach down and just rescue me from that hole. Sometimes He will do that but this time, for me, He didn’t. He took this opportunity to mold me and strengthen me and teach me a lesson. He opened my heart to a Bible Study. The title was extremely appropriate for that time in my life. “Lord Change My Attitude” by James Macdonald. How is that for irony. I needed an attitude adjustment so God put me in a place where I needed to be, with people I needed to be with and a Bible Study for me to hear the words HE wanted me to hear.

It was through that Bible Study I rededicated my life to the Lord. It was through that Bible Study my husband noticed a change in my life and desired what I had, he accepted Christ and was Baptised and through a series of events and life changes and decisions 2 of my 3 children are Kingdom bound. I pray it is only a matter of time for my youngest. God is working in your life whether you see it or you don’t. Often times we will not see the harvest we reap in our life from the seeds we have sown while we are here on earth but just know God sees it all. God took a mama too depressed to get out of bed to take care of her children and lit a fire in her heart to serve Him. He gave me a purpose!

Remember, God has a purpose for you! We may not ever have a clear picture of what that is but let me encourage you, have faith in God, pray, let His words guide your footsteps and before he calls you home to be with Him just know that your purpose on this earth will have been served! God bless all of you! I pray that you find encouragement from my posts and I pray that you go into the world, tell your story and encourage others!

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